Cloughey & District
Community Association
Better !
Everything you wanted to know about Cloughey but were afraid to ask....
Cloughey Village Plan
In 2014, CDCA worked with Ards Borough Council, and their Consultants, the Paul Hogarth Company, to produce the first Integrated Plan for Cloughey. This was a detailed document setting out a number of proposals and ideas for the future development of the village. Public consultation was a major element in the process, including a questionaire to all households; several public workshops where residents could discuss their ideas and comment on others. In addition, the 2 primary schools were consulted and the pupils came up with some interesting ideas which were included in the final plan. A stakeholders ' group of businesses, sports clubs, schools, churches and other organisations was also consulted, and the plan launched in June 2014. This plan was not a 'statutory plan' but it would be a material consideration for the planning officers when determining applications in the followsing period.
In 2018, there was a review of the Cloughey Village Plan, by Ards & North Down which took account of the changing circumstances and updated the plan for the next 5 years. That is the current plan and can be viewed through this link:
Cloughey Integrated Village Plan 2018-2023
Now, in 2024, the plan is being reviewed again, this time by the Council's Regeneration team and again CDCA is being involved to organise appropriate consultation with the various organisations and the residents of Cloughey. We anticipate that there will public meetings to discuss proposals, and these will be widely advertised.